Brought to you by Watershed Watch Salmon Society: Bike the Dike! August 1-31 |
Watershed Watch Salmon Society invites you to join them for their 6th annual Bike the Dike challenge! This self-guided bike tour runs from August 1 – 31. Maple Ridge HUB Committee is pleased to once again partner with them for this wonderful event. Explore the easy to ride and scenic Pitt Meadows dike with family and friends. They’ve created a handy map with points of interest so you can learn about wild salmon habitats and natural history as you bike the dike. Have a picnic at Osprey Village or grab lunch at one of the cafe’s along the way, and spend the day getting to know the greenway. Stomping Grounds Cafe has generously provided a discount to all participants! Simply show your official Bike the Dike map (received upon registration) to get 10% off food and drink. While on your adventure, snap some pics of yourself and your group and email them to: Each email entry will give you a chance to win the following prizes: 4 x Free Drop-in passes including rental shoes to the Hive Climbing Gym 2 x bike helmets from the Bike Zone 2 x mountain bike rental vouchers from Endless Biking 5 x Let’s Go Biking ebooks for Vancouver, Okanagan or the new Let’s Go Biking to Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands and Sunshine Coast And more to be announced! For a bonus entry, post your photos on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #bikethedikepittmeadows Register on Eventbrite to receive a route map and to be eligible for prizes! More info here! HUB Cycling ~ Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Committee. Visit the HUB website at: and the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows committee’s blog at: Our meetings are every 2nd Thursday of the month, 7:00-9:00 pm. We continue to meet virtually during the colder months of the year for now until further notice. In the warmer months we meet in a local park. Everyone is welcome to join us to find out more about what we’re doing, and possibly to become involved yourself! Please e-mail us for details of our meetings at |