There are many flat and scenic trails to explore on the dykes around the Sumas Prairie. What was once a large lake, drained in the 1920s, the Sumas Prairie is now home to dairy farms and berry fields. You’ll see views of Taggart Peak, Vedder Mountain and the Cheam Mountain Range. This easy ride links McKay Creek Trail, Sumas River Trail, Barrowtown and Vedder River Trail, all part of The Great Trail, and there are options to continue on nearby dykes.

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Tiptoe through the tulips at the Abbotsford Tulip Festival this spring. Thanks to reader Joan Boxall for sharing her article “Two for Tulip”
Read the full article here. After the tulips, there’s more … peonies, lavender, sunflowers, and meadows! Tulip Festival information:
Riding along the Vedder Canal. Robert Friske Photo
Note: Google map has added tulip route options. (fyi = road cycling)