Tucked away under New Westminster’s bridges is a quiet island getaway. In summer, the Q2Q Ferry runs from Westminster Quay to Port Royal. With very little traffic, a pathway around the eastern tip and a long dyke trail, there’s lots to explore in Queensborough.

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Exciting News – the ferry continues from Quayside to Queensborough! Now you can take the ferry from Westminster Quay over to Queensborough for lunch at Rozzini’s or Tugboat Annies – we did that this week! Read more here Q to Q Ferry
Erin writes, “Tugboat Annie’s doesn’t allow any minors, but you can order from their menu in the cafe around back where you can sit with kids.”

Start of Port Royal bike path

Miles away from the city on the dyke trail.

This must be the only bike path in a mall!
Useful Links
Experience the Fraser ~ Coast to Canyon Trail Resources:
#77 Canyon to Coast – Experience the Fraser information and links
About: Experience the Fraser – Canyon to Coast Trail
Experience the Fraser ~ Canyon to Coast Trail Plan
VanSun article: Canyon to Coast
Fraser Valley Regional District ETF C2C
Experience the Fraser – Maple Ridge News article
Fraser River Discovery Center
New Westminster City Queensborough Cycling Bridge info
Straight article with New West Mayor Jonathan Cote