Tynehead lies on the Green Timbers Greenway route. The wide paved path is completely off road, perfect for beginning riders. Make a day exploring the park ― there’s lots to discover.
The park pathway is large and wide for cyclists and pedestrians to share. Tynehead lies on the Green Timbers Greenway route. make a day of it exploring just the park – there’s lots there to discover.
The 5 km pathway is completely off road — perfect for beginning riders. Yes there are a few hills — well really just a gentle rise, but it’s easy and a good opportunity for learning and going clockwise was the best way to go.

Art can be found all over the park…look up… look around and see what you can find

Park the bike for awhile and meander on the trails, and see where fish lay their eggs in the Serpentine River and visit the hatchery